Archaeological Museum of Olympia

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The Archaeological Museum of Olympia, one of the most important museums in Greece, presents the long history of the most celebrated sanctuary of antiquity, the sanctuary of Zeus, father of both gods and men, where the Olympic games were born.

The museum's permanent exhibition contains finds from the excavations in the sacred precinct of the Altis dating from prehistoric times to the Early Christian period.

Among the many precious exhibits the sculpture collection, for which the museum is most famous, the bronze collection, the richest collection of its type in the world, and the large terracottas collection, are especially noteworthy.

The museum building comprises exhibition rooms, auxiliary spaces and storerooms. The vestibule and twelve exhibition rooms contain objects excavated in the Altis. The auxiliary spaces (cafe, lavatories) are located in the museum's east wing; a separate building between the museum and the archaeological site houses a book and souvenir shop. Finally, part of the east wing and the basement are dedicated to storage and conservation of terracottas, bronze, stone, mosaics and minor objects.

The Archaeological Museum of Olympia, supervised by the Seventh Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, was reorganized in 2004 to meet modern museological standards.

Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday: 08.00 - 20.00
Tickets' cost: Special ticket package: Full: €12, Reduced: €6
Valid for: Archaeological Museum of Olympia, Olympic Games Site, Museum of the History of the Olympic Games
Telephone no: +30 26240 22742
Extra information: Free admission days
  • 6 March (in memory of Melina Mercouri)
  • 5 June (International Enviroment Day)
  • 18 April (International Monuments Day)
  • 18 May (International Museums Day)
  • The last weekend of September annually (European Heritage Days)
  • Every first Sunday from November 1st to March 31st
Reduced admission for:
  • Greek citizens and citizens of other Member - States of the European Union aged over 65 years old by showing their ID card or passport.
  • Students of Higher Education Institutes and equivalent Schools from countries outside the EU by showing their student ID
  • The accompanying parents on educational visits of elementary schools.
Free admission for:
  • Journalists with a journalist identity card
  • Members of Societies and Associations of Friends of Museums and Archaeological Sites throughout Greece with the demonstration of certified membership card
  • Members of the ICOM-ICOMOS
  • Persons accompanying blind and disabled
  • Persons possessing a free admission card
  • The escorting teachers of schools and institutions of elementary, middle school, high school, university and graduate level education during their visits
  • The official guests of the Greek government, with the approval of the General Director of Antiquities.
  • Tourist guides after demonstrating their professional identity of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
  • University students and students at Technological Educational Institutes or equivalent schools of Member - States of the European Union and students at Schools of Tourist Guides, by showing their student ID
  • Young people, under the age of 18, after demonstrating the Identity Card or passport to confirm the age
Holidays (not open to the public)
  • 1 January
  • 25 March
  • Good Friday: 12.00 - 17.00
  • 1 May
  • Easter Sunday
  • 25 December
  • 26 December

Additional Info

  • Type: Museum
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